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Park NX, Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Road, By Ginni Realty
- Starting From Rs: 1,49,00,000
- 52183.44 sq.ft.
- Commercial, Office, Restaurant, Retail
- Starting From Rs: 1,22,00,000
- Beds: 3
- 55079 sq.ft.
- Apartment, Residential
Town Square,New Town,by Srijan Realty
- Starting From Rs: 2,36,00,000
- Beds: 3,4
- 423775 sq.ft.
- Apartment, Residential
The Varanda, Lake town, by Purti homes and NPR
- Starting From Rs: 1,62,00,000
- Beds: 3,4,5
- Apartment, Residential
Hazelburg,On Diamond Harbour Road, German Themed Villa Project,By Arrjavv
- Starting from Rs: 94,00,000
- Beds: 3
- Residential, Villa/Bungalow
Aagaman, Tollygunje, by Rajat Group
- Starting from Rs: 83,00,000
- Beds: 2, 3, & 4
- Apartment, Residential
Vaanya, Newtown, by PS Group
- Starting From Rs: 2,18,00,000
- Beds: 4,5
- 1088156 Sq Ft
- Apartment
The Royal Ganges by Srijan Realty
- Starting From Rs: 56,00,000
- Beds: 2,3,Villa
- Apartment, Residential, Villa/Bungalow
Tattvam, Kankurgachhi, by Isha Group & Eden Group
- Starting from Rs: 90,31,000
- Beds: 2, 3 & 4
- Apartment